Gravitational Force

Concept Explanation

Gravitational Force

Force exerted by earth, moon, sun and other planets is called gravitational force or force of gravity. Newton stated that every object in this universe pulls every other object with a certain force. The pull exerted by objects possessing mass is called gravitational force. The gravitational force between two objects is a force of attraction and it acts even if the two objects are not connected by any means. the gravitational force of earth (or gravity) acts on objects from a distance (without there being a physical contact), therefore, gravitational force or gravity is an example of non-contact forces So gravitational force is an non contact force

The gravitational force between two ordinary objects having small masses (say, two stones) is very weak and cannot be detected easily. The gravitational pull (or force) becomes strong only if one of the objects has a huge mass, like the earth. The gravitational force between the earth and a stone is very large and hence can be detected.

1. It is the gravitational force between the sun and the earth which holds the earth in its orbit around the sun.

2. It is the gravitational force between earth and the moon which holds the moon in its orbit around the earth.

3. If we drop a stone from some height, it falls down towards the earth. The earth exerts a gravitational force of attraction on the stone or any other object and pulls it down towards its centre. The force with which the earth pulls the objects towards it, is called the force of gravity (or just gravity). Gravity is a natural force of attraction or pull. We are all pulled to the earth by the force of gravity.

4. When a child falls from a tree, it is the force of gravity which brings the child down to earth.

5. When a diver dives into a swimming pool, it is the force of gravity which brings him down. The force of gravity acts on all the objects. The force of gravity causes all the objects to fall towards the earth.

6. A  leaf or a fruit falls from the tree due to gravity. 

7. Rain falls down to earth due to the force of gravity.

8. On opening a tap water begins to flow down towards the  ground due to the force of gravity.

9. Water in rivers flows downwards also due to the force of gravity,

10. When a coin or a pen slips from our hand, it falls to the ground due to the force of gravity acting on it. Actually, when a coin is held in our hand, it is at rest and not in motion. As soon as the coin is released from our hand, it begins to move downwards and ultimately falls on the ground. This downward movement of coin is brought about by the gravitational force of Earth or force of gravity which acts in the downward direction, towards the centre of Earth.

11. A ball thrown upwards also falls back to the earth due to the force of gravity or gravitational force of Earth

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

The speed of a falling body increases continuously.This is because _________________ .

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Statement :  " Every object in this universe pulls every other objects with a certain force" is given by scientist_________________


Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Which of the following is not an example of gravitational force ?

Right Option : D
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